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Jesus Christ changed my life when I was 15 years old. I have given my life to proclaiming Him.

Friday, January 4, 2008

I Am Legend and the Iowa Caucuses

Last night, two very important events occurred. First off, I got to see the new Wil Smith flick " I Am Legend". Let me say, that was a trip. As a sci-fi buff, I was weaned on the Robotech books, and the Man-Kazin wars as a youth in N. Dakota. Raised on Star Wars, The Muppet Show, Ren & Stimpy and a host of 50's horror flicks about " target="_self">sea monsters, " target="_self">space invaders, and " target="_self">killer bugs Although I have a broad appreciation for movies in general, I have a soft spot for a good sci-fi flick.

So, in case you are wondering "what makes for a good sci-fi storyline" I humbly offer the follwing:

1. Philosophy: Films like Alien v. Predator don't really fit into the genre for me because they are really more of an excuse for the special effects dept. to justify their existence. Real sci-fi is found in storylines like Lost or Soylent Green where political, religious, and sociological underpinnings abound. Probably two of the best recent examples of this are movies like I Am Legend and the 80's classic Terminator. Both carry solemn warnings about how fast mankind can get too big for their britches in a hurry. The real meat of a good sci-fi story is that it has something to say.

2. Good dialogue: The real bane of the Star Wars prequels was not Jar-Jar Binks, it was the 6th grade lexicon that Lucas and his cretin writers worked with. "This baby will change everything" is a far cry from "The force is in everything around us, it surrounds us and binds us; holds us together..." I Am Legend was sparse on dialogue, but featured some very memorable lines about good and evil, God and suffering (God didn't do this, we did...) and even the monologues were strong, and that takes talent.

3. The Human Experience: Good stories of any kind capture the human drama. Legend has that down pat. It takes a great deal of talent to make someone shed tears watching the Fresh Prince of Bel Aire fight zombies.

4. Good Special Effects: If you can't afford them, then make a romantic comedy. I can tell you, nothing ruins a good sci-fi flick than when you can see the fishing line attached to a flying saucer. Sci-Fi/Fantasy films have broken ground more than any other genre (Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Clash of the Titans, The Abyss).

5. Finally, a good title. I Am Legend is just a dog-gone good title. Way better than Waterworld or The Omega Man. My hope is that films like Legend and the upcoming Cloverfield will bring some respect back to a genre that has too long been relegated to nerds (although I proudly wear that title). For years, Sci-Fi carried the film industry in the 40's-60's before drivel like Walk-Hard and Titanic became the status quo. If people go see good films Hollywood will make more of them. The industry is driven by money, there is a lesson there.

Without giving away anything more about Legend, I would like to say that if you are a pastor/ministry leader or just someone who has spiritual convictions of any kind that you will appreciate some of the themes woven into the movie.

One downside, I think the movie was FAR too short and lacked resolution; furthermore, what resolution the audience is offered leaves much to be desired. This, however, I fear is a symptom of post-modern cinema where loose ends are often left intentionally to leave the audience carte blanche in deciding what happens to some characters etc (Quentin Tarantino; whom I despise, is famous for this).

OH YEAH, and Iowa. I like Huck, I think Obama is going to give Hillary a run for her money and McCain might surprise us, but only if the folks in front of him have disasters. More moderate candidates like Edwards and Tomlinson probably don't stand a chance in a country this polarized. Obama can talk all he wants about how people came together, but if things don't turn around soon, this country is in some serious trouble.

Have a great weekend.

Tonight we are going to see the new National Treasure, should be fun!

Currently watching :
The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms/Them!
Release date: By 22 August, 2006

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