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Jesus Christ changed my life when I was 15 years old. I have given my life to proclaiming Him.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Rick Warren: The Face of Evil?

While perusing some home school blogs, Vicki ran across a widely disseminated article featuring the 25 or so evils that Rick Warren's Purpose Driven model has foisted upon the unsuspecting American church. An example can be found here.

Here is the response I posted:


Wow, I must have read a different book! I can't say that I saw any of this in anything of Warren's. Maybe, when I am fully initiated into his evil inner sanctum, then I will become completely enlightened to his subtle scheme of global domination...

When I was a kid we had a name for people who make a name for themselves knocking others down... "bullies".

Warren is a sound, orthodox expositor of the scriptures. He hits the proverbial nail on the head time after time on pertinent issues within the church. I mean seriously, the man tithes 90% of his income, has given his life to the service of Jesus Christ, and led countless thousands to a closer relationship with God. What am I missing here?



Granted, not the most level headed, thoughtful response, but I am so, SO tired of the volumes of NONSENSE that manage to get circulated online without even the most cursory evaluation.

If I believed everything I read online I would believe that:

e-mail will soon be taxed
it is illegal to say God on TV
Barak Obama is a closet Muslim extremist
that B arney is the anti-Christ, or maybe its Anderson Cooper or perhaps Brian McLaren!
a supercomputer in Belgium called "The Beast" has a record of every human being on the planet.

I hope you can see my point.


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