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Jesus Christ changed my life when I was 15 years old. I have given my life to proclaiming Him.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

What Would it Be Like

Many moons ago during a student retreat at Glorietta New Mexico a drama team was performing a skit featuring a trapezist and his apprentice. The apprentice; in character, a young girl was trying to comprehend how she was supposed to let go of one rung and await the arrival of the other rung. "So, it will just come?" "Yes," came the reply, to which she shuddered...

What would it be like for the disciples, waiting. Watching the door. John tells is that they were afraid that the Jewish leaders would be breaking it down any moment looking for Jesus-sympathizers. And lying there in the tomb were all their expectations, everything they thought they understood about how God worked. More than once, Jesus had told them this was coming, and there they were, and it had happened. And they wondered. Would the other rung really come?

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