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Jesus Christ changed my life when I was 15 years old. I have given my life to proclaiming Him.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Overstock.com Chronicles: Episode II: Definitely Robot

Chat InformationWelcome to Overstock.com's Customer Service Live Chat! You will be joined with a chat representative as quickly as possible. (Less than 2 minutes)
Chat InformationWelcome to Overstock.com Customer Service, you are now chatting with Jermaine.
Jermaine: Thanks for visiting Overstock.com, this is Jermaine. How can I help you?
you: Invoice 61007459 [Incident: 080131-002652]
Jermaine: Hi, how can I help you?
you: I would like to talk to you about the above incident.
Jermaine: Ok, I'll check on the incident.
Jermaine: For security purposes, can you verify the full name and complete billing address on the account?
Jermaine: Thanks for verifying. Are you referring to the 'Motorola H700 Silver Bluetooth Headset'?
you: Yes
Jermaine: I understand that you are concern regarding the charge for the replacement item, which would occur on 02/07/2008 as the original item hasn't been returned back to us within given timeframe.
Jermaine: As per the notes on your account, I see that you had returned the replacement item via USPS.
Jermaine: May I have the return tracking number?
you: I have a reciept
you: It was mailed on 1/23/2008
you: at 10:16:02 AM
you: It is headed to Brooklyn NY 11219-3823

{about now, I checked my e-mail}

Jermaine: Ok, thanks for that information. Do you have the return tracking number or the delivery confirmation number for the returned package?
you: I did not receive a tracking number from OVerstock
you: You never sent a return label
you: You just sent out a new headset
Jermaine: Well, your account shows that we had emailed a free shipping label to you on 01/01/2008. It is unfortunate that you didn't receive it.
you: Yes, unfortunate
you: I sent back the new headset
Jermaine: We need the return tracking/delivery confirmation number for your package. Please contact USPS and get this information for us.
you: I kept the old one
you: There is no return label
you: You will receive a package from me, you should have already received it
you: I sent it almost two weeks ago

{At this point I got to check the weather... }

Jermaine: I do understand your concern, however, as per our records, we haven't received the item yet. We need this information to check when the item was delivered to us, if it was delivered.
Jermaine: We'll not be able to complete the return for your item without the return tracking information.
you: ...
you: So what you are saying is this:
you: Even though Overstock.com did not send me a return label, I am going to be charged for an item that I returned to you?
Jermaine: Well, we had sent a free shipping label to you. We can try to complete the return for your item, once you provide us the return tracking number for it.
you: Well, I do not have a tracking number, because I never received an return invoice, return sticker, or anything
you: So, I sent back the item to you, on my dime, and figured that once you received the package you could scan it into your system and connect the dots
you: Hey look, the same item in the same package we mailed it in, with the original UPS labels!
Jermaine: You still have the receipt for the return package. You can contact USPS with the receipt and ask for return tracking/delivery confirmation number for your package.
you: All I have is a receipt with a "Bill " on it.
you: I will contact them and see what I can do.
Jermaine: Once you have this information, please provide it to us so that we can try to complete the return for your item.
Jermaine: Do you have any other question for me?
you: This has not been the best customer service expirience I have had
Jermaine: I am sorry you feel this way.
you: I realize that you are just doing what you're supposed to
you: I really hope we can work this out.
Jermaine: I understand your disappointment at this point of time. I would have also felt the same way if I were in your place.
Jermaine: Is there anything else I can help you with?
you: Just don't charge my account for something I sent back
d your point and we'll extend the return deadline by 15 days for this item as an exception. However, if you are unable to provide us the return tracking information for your item within the extended return timeframe, your card will be charged for the replacement item.
you: Okay, but this is problem.
you: I did not purchase delivery confirmation, and I did not have an envelope to use from you guys
you: The item I received did not come with a return label, nor did I receive one in advance of receiving the replacement item
you: We'll see what happens.
you: Thank you for your time.
Jermaine: You may ask for a proof of delivery from USPS for your item.
Jermaine: We appreciate your understanding in this regard.
Jermaine: Would you like to know anything else?
you: Nope.
you: Thanks.
Jermaine: Thank you again for visiting Overstock.com. Have a great day.
Chat InformationChat session has been terminated by the Overstock Service representative.

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