About Me
- Rev. Spike
- Jesus Christ changed my life when I was 15 years old. I have given my life to proclaiming Him.
Friday, February 29, 2008
You Know the Economy is in Peril When...
As of January 17, Michael Jackson had $153,910 missed payments on a home used by his family.
Documents filed with the Los Angeles County Recorder's Office indicate the reclusive pop star was most recently in default last month on the property in Encino, an area in the San Fernando Valley.
The singer had $153,910 in missed payments as of January 17 on a $4 million loan serviced by Pasadena-based mortgage lender IndyMac Bancorp. Documents dated February 7 show the notice of default was withdrawn.
Documents also show Jackson previously faced possible default over missed payments on the home in April and August.
A spokeswoman for Jackson did not immediately return a call for comment.
Jackson's Neverland property in Los Olivos, California, is set to be auctioned off March 19 because of missed payments on a $24.5 million loan
Saturday, February 23, 2008
What Hath God Wrought?
Friday, February 22, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
The Chicken Soup for the Soul Gospel
2 Tim 4:3 (NIV)
Remember Chicken Soup for the Soul? They teemed with pith and whit sandwiched between op-ed pieces, urban legends, and heartwarming biographical sketches. They were the ultimate feel good book, what people read before they discovered the "Forward" button on their browser. They are good reading; uplifting, inspirational, sometimes challenging, but they have lousy theology.
Now, someone might say, "But they don't claim to be theological texts!" True, but once you start talking about Heaven and Hell, reincarnation, feeding the poor, war and peace, etc. then like it or not you are doing theology. Furthermore, once you publish your work, you have opened it to scrutiny like putting their child on stage at a recital.
I worked in a Christian bookstore back then and when we began to read them and it wasn't long before we stopped ordering them. In a nutshell they teach that you should be good and when you die fat angel babies will take you to cloud nine where you will play a harp for all time. The American Media Machine spews tons of bad theology every day. If you die with unfinished business you might linger as a ghost until things are set right. You might even get another chance at life to straighten things out if your good and bad deeds are "tied". Maybe we all live in a big computer?
Confused yet? Exactly. It is because the CSFS books, Oprah, Hollywood, and the whole group hug movement have at least one thing in common: terrible theology. And if the root is bad.... Some of it may be defined as searching, but at bottom the world offers false hope, false security. It offers something that cannot be: a hope for happiness and Heaven apart from Christ. To quote Lewis, "God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing." Yet folks want to be affirmed, uplifted, and caressed, they want to feel spiritual. There is a longing in the human heart for God, but not the God of America:
1 But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. 2 For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, 4 treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 holding to a form of godliness , although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these...
2 Tim 3:1-6 (NASB)
On the positive side, Oprah did help me discover the Neti pot. She helps people stop smoking, to lose weight and to have better buns; and gave us Dr. Phil (who I still like, a lot). She feeds the poor and clothes the naked. And to some estimates seems to do a lot more good than many orthodox Christians. So we have lost people doing good works while saved people do nothing. Problem? I think so.
It is abundantly clear that people are longing for God. Someone has to get out there and tell the truth. Whether it is engaging in media or sharing the savior at Starbucks, it has to happen. Someone has to shine light in the darkness. But many Christians don't seem to realize how dark a world they are living in. Furthermore we tend to lap it up thoughtlessly like the next fellow. In the name of tolerance and dialogue Christians have lost their minds and their spines.
So what's a Christian to do? Paul tells us:
1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: 2 Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction. 3 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 5 But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.
2 Tim 4:1-5 (NIV)
Whose ministry? In context it is Timothy's, but in reality it belongs to all of us. And don't think that Paul wants you to only contribute your mouth. The gospel is preached with both the mouth and the hands and feet. Someone has once said, "I'd rather see a sermon than to hear one". Duly noted.
Children beware, counterfeits abound. Christians should be careful what they accept as truth. We tend to take things in with an uncritical mind while at once we have hardened hearts. That friends is the work of the Devil. We are to be about the work of Jesus. The world is hungry, ready, so what are they going to have to eat?
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine's Day
St. Valentine
At least three different Saint Valentines, all of them martyrs, are mentioned in the early martyrologies under date of 14 February. One is described as a priest at Rome, another as bishop of Interamna (modern Terni), and these two seem both to have suffered in the second half of the third century and to have been buried on the Flaminian Way, but at different distances from the city. In William of Malmesbury's time what was known to the ancients as the Flaminian Gate of Rome and is now the Porta del Popolo, was called the Gate of St. Valentine. The name seems to have been taken from a small church dedicated to the saint which was in the immediate neighborhood. Of both these St. Valentines some sort of Acta are preserved but they are of relatively late date and of no historical value. Of the third Saint Valentine, who suffered in Africa with a number of companions, nothing further is known.
Saint Valentine's Day
The popular customs associated with Saint Valentine's Day undoubtedly had their origin in a conventional belief generally received in England and France during the Middle Ages, that on 14 February, i.e. half way through the second month of the year, the birds began to pair. Thus in Chaucer's Parliament of Foules we read:
For this was sent on Seynt Valentyne's day
Whan every foul cometh ther to choose his mate.
For this reason the day was looked upon as specially consecrated to lovers and as a proper occasion for writing love letters and sending lovers' tokens. Both the French and English literatures of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries contain allusions to the practice. Perhaps the earliest to be found is in the 34th and 35th Ballades of the bilingual poet, John Gower, written in French; but Lydgate and Clauvowe supply other examples. Those who chose each other under these circumstances seem to have been called by each other their Valentines. In the Paston Letters, Dame Elizabeth Brews writes thus about a match she hopes to make for her daughter (we modernize the spelling), addressing the favoured suitor:
And, cousin mine, upon Monday is Saint Valentine's Day and every bird chooses himself a mate, and if it like you to come on Thursday night, and make provision that you may abide till then, I trust to God that ye shall speak to my husband and I shall pray that we may bring the matter to a conclusion.Shortly after the young lady herself wrote a letter to the same man addressing it "Unto my rightwell beloved Valentine, John Paston Esquire". The custom of choosing and sending valentines has of late years fallen into comparative desuetude.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Journal of a Junkie
Nothing really "bad" happened, but I was just constantly interrupted (and not the divine appointment type of interruptions). There is this episode of Cedric the Entertainer where he talks about how he has to watch a movie, have a sandwich, take a nap etc. before he gets to work on his comedy routines. Well, I'm not exactly the same, but close. When inspiration strikes, I hit the ground running and, if all is well, I will marathon to completion but every time I lose momentum (or run out of coffee!) it takes me a good while to get back on track.
I used to fill in the time where I was "waiting" to find my groove with gaming. As you can imagine, it took a LONG time sometimes to get back to work. Furthermore, when I was discouraged, or frustrated, like Friday; I would turn to gaming when what I should have done was prayed or read my Bible. In my darkest hours I would find myself in my office studying (playing catch-up) while my kids played outside because I had wasted hours throughout the week.
This last two weeks I was caught up enough to take the day off on Monday and today I took my family to a national park. Last Saturday, I went out and played football with my kids (they won most of the time). How many times have I missed that opportunity? Firday I also called my mom and I've found time to start reading some of those books and articles that have been sitting around for a million years (give or take...) and caught up on my Lostpedia reading.
In short, I do not believe that video games are evil, but I can tell you that I have only missed them one time. About ten minutes before I went out to play football I had what I could only refer to as "gamers withdrawal". I honestly had a moment of DT, like, what do I do now!? I have time on my hands!?!?! That leads me to my next battleground: YouTube, perhaps the greatest threat to productivity ever foisted upon unsuspecting ADHD types like myself.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Spirits of the Age by Joe Belz
The decline of secularism brings a new set of challenges | Joel Belz
If you think that secular humanism has become biblical Christianity's most threatening opponent in contemporary society, Peter Jones wants you to think again. He will tell you—politely but emphatically—that you're at least a decade or two behind the curve.
Secular humanism boasts that it is void of explicit spiritual content—and in a way, Jones says, it has lived up to that promise. But in featuring such emptiness, it has left a globe full of people with vacant hearts and minds craving even a little spiritual substance. And that hunger, in turn, has turned its victims into prime candidates for what Jones calls "neo-pagan spirituality." It is all the rage.
Secular humanism deliberately steers you away from thinking "religiously" or "spiritually." But neo-paganism wears spirituality on its sleeve. And the evidence suggests that people—in all times and in all places—prefer a form of godliness to no godliness at all.
To understand that phenomenon better, Jones a couple of weeks ago assembled a quiet gathering of about 50 folks from all walks of life for a three-day discussion near San Diego, Calif. Right up front, the former Westminster Seminary professor acknowledged that for a long time serious social observers and philosophers have been claiming the final victory of secularism and the disappearance of religion. But they are wrong. Even the Chronicle of Higher Education, Jones pointed out, carried an article last year titled "Secularism in the Elimination Round."
Sadly, Jones stresses, it's not the success of biblical Christianity that gets credit for the waning of secularism. Taking secularism's place instead is a fascination with religions old and new—and usually altogether false. A typical example is the wild allure of Dan Brown's best-selling The Da Vinci Code.
Affecting far more people than Brown's 2003 work of fiction and the movie that followed the book are historic but pagan religions in places like China, India, Africa, and many parts of the new world as well. At the California conference, for example, China observer Sam Ling stressed that while the growth of Christianity in China is a fact—and that this huge nation once given up to Marxist atheism is now home to tens of millions of Christians—the fastest-growing religions in China right now are Buddhism and Taoism, whose adherents are numbered in the hundreds of millions.
Indian lecturer Vishal Mangalwadi, on the other hand—fresh off a recent two-week discussion with the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi—stepped conferees through the dark netherworld of the Hindu involvement with tantric sex. In such a worldview, which Mangalwadi says has taken Hindu themes around the globe, sexual experience is portrayed as an ultimate means of salvation. The main goal of sex is "gnosis," or knowing in the way God knows.
From Islam came frightening themes. That religion's emphasis on "subjugating the enemy"—whether a foreign power or your own wife—seems strangely to be attracting the interest even of non-Muslims around the world. From Africa comes word of reversion to witchcraft and darkly pagan practices. If these packages come wrapped with superstition and even violence, so be it. Conferees heard from a former practicing astrologer who described some of the inroads that field is making even into evangelical churches. And they heard how pagan spirituality has wormed its way into both modern feminism and the ecological movement.
Jones calls it neo-paganism. Around the world, in dozens of shapes, names, and forms, it is winning the allegiance and hearts especially of young people who are already disillusioned with the empty promises of secularism and materialism. The idea of the supernatural no longer bothers or embarrasses them. They want to know there is something more "out there," and they are willing to explore bizarre realities to find whatever it might be.
In an age when Christians have too often busied themselves providing good answers to all the wrong questions, a lesson from Peter Jones just might be an efficient use of everybody's time.
If you have a question or comment for Joel Belz, send it to jbelz@worldmag.com
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The Overstock.com Chronicles: Episode II: Definitely Robot
Chat InformationWelcome to Overstock.com Customer Service, you are now chatting with Jermaine.
Jermaine: Thanks for visiting Overstock.com, this is Jermaine. How can I help you?
you: Invoice 61007459 [Incident: 080131-002652]
Jermaine: Hi, how can I help you?
you: I would like to talk to you about the above incident.
Jermaine: Ok, I'll check on the incident.
Jermaine: For security purposes, can you verify the full name and complete billing address on the account?
Jermaine: Thanks for verifying. Are you referring to the 'Motorola H700 Silver Bluetooth Headset'?
you: Yes
Jermaine: I understand that you are concern regarding the charge for the replacement item, which would occur on 02/07/2008 as the original item hasn't been returned back to us within given timeframe.
Jermaine: As per the notes on your account, I see that you had returned the replacement item via USPS.
Jermaine: May I have the return tracking number?
you: I have a reciept
you: It was mailed on 1/23/2008
you: at 10:16:02 AM
you: It is headed to Brooklyn NY 11219-3823
{about now, I checked my e-mail}
Jermaine: Ok, thanks for that information. Do you have the return tracking number or the delivery confirmation number for the returned package?
you: I did not receive a tracking number from OVerstock
you: You never sent a return label
you: You just sent out a new headset
Jermaine: Well, your account shows that we had emailed a free shipping label to you on 01/01/2008. It is unfortunate that you didn't receive it.
you: Yes, unfortunate
you: I sent back the new headset
Jermaine: We need the return tracking/delivery confirmation number for your package. Please contact USPS and get this information for us.
you: I kept the old one
you: There is no return label
you: You will receive a package from me, you should have already received it
you: I sent it almost two weeks ago
{At this point I got to check the weather... }
Jermaine: I do understand your concern, however, as per our records, we haven't received the item yet. We need this information to check when the item was delivered to us, if it was delivered.
Jermaine: We'll not be able to complete the return for your item without the return tracking information.
you: ...
you: So what you are saying is this:
you: Even though Overstock.com did not send me a return label, I am going to be charged for an item that I returned to you?
Jermaine: Well, we had sent a free shipping label to you. We can try to complete the return for your item, once you provide us the return tracking number for it.
you: Well, I do not have a tracking number, because I never received an return invoice, return sticker, or anything
you: So, I sent back the item to you, on my dime, and figured that once you received the package you could scan it into your system and connect the dots
you: Hey look, the same item in the same package we mailed it in, with the original UPS labels!
Jermaine: You still have the receipt for the return package. You can contact USPS with the receipt and ask for return tracking/delivery confirmation number for your package.
you: All I have is a receipt with a "Bill " on it.
you: I will contact them and see what I can do.
Jermaine: Once you have this information, please provide it to us so that we can try to complete the return for your item.
Jermaine: Do you have any other question for me?
you: This has not been the best customer service expirience I have had
Jermaine: I am sorry you feel this way.
you: I realize that you are just doing what you're supposed to
you: I really hope we can work this out.
Jermaine: I understand your disappointment at this point of time. I would have also felt the same way if I were in your place.
Jermaine: Is there anything else I can help you with?
you: Just don't charge my account for something I sent back
d your point and we'll extend the return deadline by 15 days for this item as an exception. However, if you are unable to provide us the return tracking information for your item within the extended return timeframe, your card will be charged for the replacement item.
you: Okay, but this is problem.
you: I did not purchase delivery confirmation, and I did not have an envelope to use from you guys
you: The item I received did not come with a return label, nor did I receive one in advance of receiving the replacement item
you: We'll see what happens.
you: Thank you for your time.
Jermaine: You may ask for a proof of delivery from USPS for your item.
Jermaine: We appreciate your understanding in this regard.
Jermaine: Would you like to know anything else?
you: Nope.
you: Thanks.
Jermaine: Thank you again for visiting Overstock.com. Have a great day.
Chat InformationChat session has been terminated by the Overstock Service representative.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Galatians 1:6-9
The Bible is a big book. There is room for opinion. In part, this is why we have so many denominations (more than 60 Baptist groups alone). There are things that we can agree on, and things that we can agree to disagree on (without being disagreeable). However, there are some things that the American Church has to take another look at.
In recent years by we have found ourselves fascinated by the emergence of so called hidden (repressed) "Gospels" purporting to give us the "real story" of the life of Christ and the Early Church. The Gospel of Thomas, and of Judas caused great media fervor a few years ago. Most orthodox Christians rightfully reject such texts as spurious fabrications and dismiss them as nonsense. Perhaps there is a level at which we should engage these texts, if for no other reason, to be aware of divergent traditions that emerged along side the Orthodox Church (by this I mean doctrinally sound) at any given historical juncture, but that is not what we are here to discuss today.
The Da Vinci Code caused a great stir and has now been all but forgotten. The fear with which many Christians seemed to grasp their pews was quite disturbing. It was as if they expected a mass apostasy from the result of a work fiction. Someone presenting the "real truth" about the Gospel is no new thing. As far back as the Garden in Eden we have found the serpent whispering in our ear that God is holding out on us, keeping something important back from us; and time and time again the consequences have demonstrated otherwise. But Americans love a good conspiracy theory; an underdog story. We are always ready to believe that someone out there might have something that survived a cover up.
In Paul's case the problem was obvious. Luke tells us in Acts 15:36-18:22 that Paul journeyed to the region of Galatia on his second missionary journey. Lasting about four years; he spent half founding churches in Galatia, Philippi, and Thessalonica and the other half in Corinth. Galatians 4:13-16 tells us that Paul first shared the Gospel with the Galatians because of an illness. They received the message with great eagerness; forming a deep bond with Paul. But by the time Paul writes to them, the situation is clearly different.
I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ for another Gospel, which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the Gospel of Christ.
We do not immediately know what this gospel is, although later we are told that it is a Gospel of Jesus + Adherence to the Law =Salvation. For Jewish Christians, this means returning to ancient practices such as feast days and Sabbaths, simply retrofitting their new found Christianity to their spiritual upbringing. For Gentiles (non-Jews) who came into the Kingdom, this means fulfilling all the requirements of the Abrahamic covenant and then obeying the Mosaic Law as well; all 613 commandments. It seems that these teachings came from folks who trailed Paul in his journey, at least at Galatia, and that the problem is widespread (hence the letter is written to churches, plural).
It is hard to know if "quickly" means that they took leave of their senses soon after Paul left, or if they received the other Gospel as readily as that which Paul preached, but either way it is clear that they have left behind what Paul received from Jesus and what they in turn received from Paul. They had turned away from the truth to a counterfeit Gospel. To a gospel that was distorted.
I believe that the question must be asked: have we done the same in America today?Have we abandoned the truth that was so graciously "gospeled" to us, in favor of another? Have we become unfaithful to the Jesus that saved our souls? The answer may well be "yes".
But even if we or an angel from Heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!
If even an angel from Heaven should bring another Gospel to you... I remember the first time this came up in conversation. I was talking with a friend of mine about the Book of Mormon because I was seriously distressed about the possibility that I might somehow be missing out on something big. What if, what the nice young men who had visited my house had spoken the truth? What if God had wiped his hands clean of all denominations that existed at the time of Joseph Smith (a believable suggestion to be sure)? What if an angel had "hot lined" him the whereabouts of the most spiritually significant documents since the canon of scripture. I did not want to miss out! "JP" he said, "remember what Paul said in Galatians..." and at that moment it clicked. I have never doubted the completeness of the Bible since; nor have I pondered the veracity of the ecclesiastical tabloids Smith and his block headed minions have promulgated.
Even if an angel! Why angels? Because, in the Bible, angels bring the messages of God to his people. Paul later states in Galatians that the Law was mediated by angels. But it doesn't take an angel to convince us! Just a few nice young men in neckties, or one nice young man in a very nice suit if he can get a TV ministry up and running. I am not usually one to name names, but I have to say that I take serious issues with the prosperity Gospel served up by TBN, CBN, and their cronies. Not to say that the whole is bad; it's like a block of cheese which you might be able to cut the corners off of and get some use out of it, but friends, I'm afraid that by the time you finish with them there isn't much left! The Paul Crouches and Joel Osteens of this world want us to think that the Kingdom of God revolves around us. That it is some massive group hug where we can all reach for the stars together. But I am here to tell you, the message that is projected from those pulpits is so self centered that you can hardly squeeze Jesus in at the end of the message.
There is no place for the Cross in the American church today. Sure, it might hang on our wall, or around our neck, but it is not in our hearts. The meaty transcendence and holiness of God, the grace of God has been set aside for a weekly serving of pablum that won't hurt our tummies. We come for inspiration, but I'm telling you what we need people is transformation. I love you enough to tell you things that you might not want to hear, and I refuse to patronize you with a plastic smile and a pat on the back because you deserve more. You were meant for more. For greater things. But unless you and Jesus are marching to the same beat you aren't going to do yourself or Him any good and he says that his road is narrow.
Paul tells them, let those who have peddled this garbage be accursed, "anathema". Cut them off, don't listen to them. Run like Joseph from Potiphar's wife, like a dog in a bull pen, cut them off!
Folks, we've been duped. Fooled into believing somehow that life is about us. That God is preoccupied with our creature comforts and copiousness of our carcasses. There could be nothing further from the truth. Sure, following God brings blessing! I'm living proof. God has brought me from being a useless selfish wretch to a life that I still can't believe. But that was never the goal. That came from following Jesus, and was not without its share of trouble.
Consider the descriptions of the purifying process of the righteous life that are given in scripture. It is likened to being smelted and cast, burned, mashed and reshaped. In short,it is not always a pleasant process, but to get the product you have to go through the process.
Haven't you ever wondered if there was more to life than this? More to church than this? Stand up, shake a hand, sit down, bow your heads, and hit the buffet... isn't there more? Absolutely! We should beg God that we could no longer go about business as usual, but that God would interrupt our lives and change us forever. Today can be a new day folks.
Just in case we missed it, or more truthfully to intensify his curse, Paul says it again. And he means it. This is no empty epithet, but it is a warning. If one is preaching a lie, they will be counted with the Father of Lies.
Now I don't mean to say that Joel Osteen and Paul Crouch are going to Hell, that is between them and Jesus. I know that there will be Baptists in Hell and Mormons in Heaven (although they'll both get there by ignorance). But folks, this is serious business. There is truth and there is falsehood, and much of our packaged and mass produced spiritual food is really just junk food. There are more Christian books, Bible translations, radio stations, websites, stores, ministries, and publications than ever before, and you know what? I'm not sure that much of it is doing any good.
So then, what does the real gospel look like. Well, I was hoping you would ask, so let's let Jesus preach to us.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and all your strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. (Mk 12:30-31)
If we can get that down, then we are half way there.
From glory to glory folks. We can't sit in one place forever. That's not what we were meant to do.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
The Bi-Polar Prophet
It got really quiet after that, so I think I said I had to go study, but I just went to mope some more.