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Jesus Christ changed my life when I was 15 years old. I have given my life to proclaiming Him.

Saturday, December 29, 2007


Is there any difference between "holiness" in the NT and in the OT. It would seem that at bottom, they are the same; but Paul and the author of Hebrews throw a few curve balls about how the sacrificial system and purity codes fell short until Christ fulfilled the Law.

One of my friends made a point that holiness is more about being connected to God than being separated from the world. Tell me, are there any persimmons up that tree?


1 comment:

Thirdtimemomma said...

"And this, we are told is the good news. Know the right thing, do the right thing. This is life? When it doesnt strike us as something to get excited about, we feel we must not be spiritual enough. Perhaps once we have kept the list ong enough we will understand. We dont need more facts, ans we certainly do not need more to do (or separate from). We need LIFE, we've been looking for him ever since we left Paradise.
...After all, desire (passion, living) is the single major hindrance to the goal--getting us in line. We are told to kill desire (passion) and call it sanctification."
John Eldridge.