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Jesus Christ changed my life when I was 15 years old. I have given my life to proclaiming Him.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Are You Wrong With God?

MojoMaven gave us something to weigh in on in regard to our prior discussion:

"Right with God." What would be the opposite of that. If you're not "right with God," what are you exactly? What is the other option?"

You know, there is a Zanism that says, "You are either 100% sold out, or not." In fear and trembling I suggest that this is not entirely true. That operates under the assumption that a "Half-truth is a whole lie." That in and of itself is true, so long as you are operating in malice, but what if, in the case of a believer struggling to make spiritual ends meet, you come up short. Are you out of sync with God because of "sins of ignorance" or only because of "intentional sin".

You know, Witherington made a good point about apostasy, "No one "loses" their salvation. They don't wake up one day and go, 'Wow, where did my salvation go!?'" If one can step out of God's grace, it would be just that, a deliberate stepping away. Repenting from their repentance.

Just enough to get the pot simmering.


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