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Jesus Christ changed my life when I was 15 years old. I have given my life to proclaiming Him.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Crying Out at the Gate

I read today that the wife of Pastor Saeed Abendini is crying out at the gates of the White House for her husband to be released.

Saeed, a dual American and Iranian citizen, has been imprisoned in Iran for the past two years. He is accused of being a threat to Iranian national security, but it is common knowledge that his imprisonment stems from his conversion from Islam to Christianity and subsequent missionary work, including work with orphans and the establishment of around 100 house churches. InnIran, Christianity is all but outlawed, and apostasy (conversion from Islam to another religion) is a capital offense.

Surely, the preaching of the Gospel is a threat to the national security of an Islamic Theocracy which, among other things; denies the Holocaust. A true believer in Christ could not support the sort of human rights abuses documented in Iran. Public hangings of homosexuals, private hangings of political dissidents, stoning of women, and more than we care to repeat. We once wondered if these were urban legends but we can now see the truth.
Imagine for a moment that you are asleep and hear a knock at the door. It is one of the deacons from your church there to inform you that your pastor has just been picked up by plain clothes police and is headed to an incredibly dangerous prison, one known for being a de facto death sentence. What would you do?
Imagine you were the wife of that pastor, calling out at the gate like the widow imploring the unjust judge. The children of that pastor, never knowing if they will see their daddy again. Imagine now that you are the pastor himself. What would you want someone to do for you?

Can you take a few moments today to lift up pastor Saeed, his wife Naghmeh, and their two children? Ask the Lord to open the gates of Evin Prison as he did for Paul and Silas. Ask God to open the hearts of those who have imprisoned and persecuted him for righteousness sake. Also, remember that there are dozens if not hundreds of other believers in prison throughout the world for the simple crime of wearing the Name of Jesus. Let us remember those in chains for the Gospel.  
Finally, pray that God will be glorified through this trial, and that the faith of those who have suffered such adversity for the Gospel in closed countries will motivate those of us who live in complete freedom to share Christ where the doors are wide open.
Lastly, make a point today to learn more about the persecuted church around the world.  Sites such as the Voice of the Martyrs (www.persecution.net) , or Radical (www.radical.net),  www.Elam.com, and www.beheardproject.com, are good starting points.

Thank you for your time friends.



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