Not long ago Tobey had a very bad day, his last day in fact. If you are into grisly details you can read about them here. The kids who did this are looking at ten years if convicted, and the outcry is literally world-wide, inspiring (?) a British crooner to pen a song for the mortified mutt. And there should be public outcry, and there should be consequences… but you know…
Not long ago, Scott Peterson murders his pregnant wife and was convicted of “double homicide” for the death of his wife and her “fetus”. More recently, Bobby Cutts Jr. was arrested and charged with the murder of his pregnant wife; and the charges against him? Lets say it together, “double homicide” for the death of his wife and her “fetus”. Finally, and less famously, this story of a man stomping on his girlfriend’s womb (at her request, no less) who was found guilty of homicide… or is it practicing “medicine” without a license?
Point number one: in a court of law, killing a pregnant woman=double homicide. Point number two: killing a “fetus” = murder… UNLESS you went to medical school. Point number three: People seem more upset that someone kills a dog than that someone murders an unborn child.
Vick’s mea culpa, gives us some hope. But the picketing of Vick’s appearances and the subsequent days of tickers brandishing wanton cruelty to animals all over the world (and St. Reznor of PETA) would have you believe that this was a global crisis. People were going insane, malnourished, beating, exposing, or out right killing pets at will. And the outrage! The out cry! The… now wait just a minute! What about the “fetuses”!?
Planned Parenthood alone recorded nearly 260,000 abortions in 2006. (Let that sink in… two-hundred-and-sixty-THOUSAND.) As I have stated before, and will again, I am staggered by how the death of a woman’s “fetus” is grounds for murder while a convenience abortion is considered a legitimate medical procedure. (And don’t get me started on the “my body, my choice” bit.) My point is, a fetus is a baby. An unborn person, not simply a collection of cells. As the old axiom goes, “A Child, Not A Choice.” And I am tired of people protecting the lives of animals more passionately than the lives of the most defenseless among us, namely the unborn.
As I reflect on this, I am reminded of the words of the ancient king Lemuel:
8 "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.
9 Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy."
Proverbs 31:8-9 (NIV)
Being pro-life is holistic. It is more than being anti-abortion, but this is currently my battlefield. You can count on me speaking out on this issue until it is resolved, or until I die.
End of line.
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