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Jesus Christ changed my life when I was 15 years old. I have given my life to proclaiming Him.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Nothing Novel

Start here: http://biblehub.com/nasb/ecclesiastes/2.htm

Most people outside of the upper Midwest seem to have never heard of Faygo. Then, all at once it began to show up at the convenience store a town over from home. I had never seen it outside of Michigan and Ohio, so the last time we were in Michigan we stocked up before we came home. At first this was super exciting. I’d grab a can from the fridge and sit and think about being a kid, and fishing with my dad, and other happy associations. I think that red pop tastes awesome. But, when it was so easily within reach, the novelty expired.

For Solomon, there is nothing beyond his reach. But in the quiet moments; or perhaps even in the midst of the party, where every man thinks he would be most at peace with himself and with the world everything comes into perfect focus.

Those who take to psychoanalyzing Solomon say he has a classic case of depression, perhaps a bit of anxiety. He’s just overthinking. He should just relax and enjoy what he has. But those of us who have had similar experiences know this is not true. Solomon is on to something.

Ironically, pleasure can be like guilt. It is transitory. One day you are the life of the party, not long after, people are checking the list for your name because they don’t recognize you.

I think it is important to note too that Solomon is not simply speaking about his old
“party days”, he is clear in stating that he carefully tested the limits. Furthermore, it was not only pleasure that he tested, but also prestige, and plenty. In the end, all came up short. They added nothing to his life here under the sun.

So then, what matters? We have to wait a while before we find that out, so stay tuned, and in the meantime, don’t spend your life on that which is temporary, instead invest it in the eternal.

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