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Jesus Christ changed my life when I was 15 years old. I have given my life to proclaiming Him.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

So You Wanna Go Back To Egypt?

It is amazing, the people of God wanting to go BACK to slavery? We read the complaints of those stinking sheep on the back-side of Israel (thank you Bro. Keith Wigington) and we are in awe. BUT YOU JUST SAW THE RED SEA PARTED! YOU JUST ATE BREAKFAST THAT FELL FROM THE SKY! WHAT IS YOUR DEAL!?!?!?

Today is a day that I identify, at least a bit, with those sheep.

Paul warns us against being burdened by a yoke of slavery (Gal 5:1), and yet we not only allow this, but often place the yoke upon our own shoulders.

There is a great song by Keith Green that hits the nail on the head. Admittedly, the music sounds a but goofy today, but in his time he was in step with mainstream pop like the BeeGees and Beach Boys. Check it out:

Grace and Peace,



Darryl Schafer said...
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Darryl Schafer said...

Let's try this again:

Paul's argument in Galatians is that those in slavery are those who try to keep the Law. The irony comes on two fronts: these enslaved people are not "reprobate heathens" but instead consider themselves part of the people of God. However, the more they try to keep the Law, the more they break it and so prove themselves to be children of Hagar (see Gal 4).