So I was a big jerk yesterday. No two ways about it.
There's an old story about a grandfather and grandson. The grandson has a tendency toward harsh words. The grandfather notices this character flaw and decides to work a little cowboy wisdom. Fetching some nails and a hammer from the shed, they head out to pasture where a new corner post has been put in the fence row. The post is of new lumber, barley weathered, untouched except the signs of being hewn and debarked. "Take this...", grandpa says, extending the hammer to the boy, "and drive these nails into that post as hard as you're mad." The young boy begins to furiously hammer nail after nail into the post, teeth grinding, white knuckled, the hammer meeting his thumb and fore finger more than once. "There!" says the boy, somewhere between bewildered and accomplished. Staring at nowhere, grandfather then says, "Now, pull them out." Flabbergasted, the boy shrieks, "All of 'em! But you just...", "Yes. Let's get started..." grandfather interrupts.
One by one, the lad pulls the nails. They were; of course, harder to remove than they were to drive. Then, once finished, the boy stepped back, and the pair examined their handiwork. "Well son, what do you think?" "About what?", asked the boy exhausted and exasperated. "How's that post faring?" "Well..." started the boy, "It looks ugly, full of holes... and I feel bad about that... but I didn't mean to mess it up!" From which the grandfather calmly said, "Just like those nails, that's what words do. Once you drive them in, you can take them back, but the damage is done still the same."
At times, life compresses us. Our responsibilities, our voluntary mandantories, our fears, our collapsed hopes, they to the brink. Jesus taught us that the words of our mouth come from the treasure stored up in our heart. That is to say that when life puts the squeeze on us, whatever is in us comes out. Then, there is no denying it. Salt water doesn't come out of a freshwater spring. The painful truth is that after 18 years of being saved, after all the healing and restoration and renovation God has brought me through, there is still a lot of ugly stuffed down in the cracks and crevaces of my heart.
This makes me thankful for the gracious forgivenss of my family. But also the grace of God through Jesus Christ that washes away my sins.
So, once again, I'm sorry for demonstrating first hand how I am.not holier than thou.
And once again, I'm thankful.